The Wood Joint NJ Reopening

We would like to thank all of our students, family and friends for their support and understanding over these past several months.


We are so happy to announce that with the profound generosity of Robert Rizas of Neptune, The Wood Joint has found a new home at the Falcon Millworks.We are refitting the woodworking shop to run our extensive class selections and we will be launching a fundraiser to help finance the purchasing of the new machinery.Our target start date is the first week in April with a Saturday intensive onMarch 26th. Class listings will be posted around February 23st, 2022.This email gives you a head start sign up soon to secure your spot! Please look out for upcoming emails with links to our fundraiser.  In the meantime, please feel free to go to our website where you can make an early donation through our donate button. Every little bit helps.We are so looking forward to welcoming you back to 
The Wood Joint   

1325 6th Ave.Neptune, NJ 07753

  • Launching Adult classes to purchase the week of Feb 21st with classes starting the first week in April.
  • Launching Kids classes to purchase the week of Feb 28th with classes starting the first week in May.

Thank you for your Patience,

Bruce M Hogan